Join a Group

Name Day Time Type Area Campus
A Journey Through The Book of Acts Wednesday 7:00 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
A Journey Through The Book of Acts
Leader: Samuel Akin

We are a group that will meet for six weeks to study the Book of Acts weekly. It will be an exciting, faith-empowering discussion. We hope to create a space where people are encouraged to process and develop a personalized game plan to grow in boldness in being a Christian in everyday life. You can expect a short video introducing the topic, reading the scripture, and discussing it.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
A Million Little Miracles Friday 6:30 PM Group Other Capital Turnaround
A Million Little Miracles
Leader: Deserie Ragland

This group will be discussion Pastor Marks new book. A Million Little Miracles. Lamond-Riggs or Woodridge library.

Other (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Alexandria Parenting Group Tuesday 6:30 PM Group VA: Alexandria/ Springfield Capital Turnaround
Alexandria Parenting Group
Leader: Nick Montgomery

We are a group aiming to study and learn how to be better parents and disciple our children well. We're open to families with kids and people without kids who also want to talk about parenting. The only requirement is that you're interested in talking about parenting and willing to meet in Alexandria! Our group is family friendly and intends to have a rhythm where we meet sometimes with kids present and sometimes with adults only to allow for a mix of interactions and conversations.

VA: Alexandria/ Springfield (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Alpha [Spring 2025] - DC Monday 7:00 PM Group DC: Southeast Central Office
Alpha [Spring 2025] - DC
Leader: Blake Nuwayhid

If you're questioning your faith, returning to faith, or just exploring what you believe—The Alpha Course might be a great place to be. Alpha is a course that explores the Christian faith and is designed for conversation, questions, and community. It's free, and all are welcome!

Each week we will have a meal together and dive into life's toughest questions like - "Is there more to life than this? Why did Jesus die? Who is the Holy Spirit? and Does God still heal today?"

We kick of February 10th at 7PM and will run for 10 weeks. To register go here The Alpha Course Registration

DC: Southeast (Central Office)
7:00 PM
Alpha en Espanol Tuesday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
Alpha en Espanol
Leader: Catherine Perugachi

Alpha es una serie de sesiones interactivas que crean un espacio seguro y honesto para conectar con otras personas abiertas a explorar la vida, la fe y el propósito. Cada sesión está diseñada para que todas las personas puedan involucrarse y abrirse a la conversación (Que incluye una comida gratuita), escuchar una breve charla sobre un aspecto de la fe cristiana, y luego la oportunidad para que cada persona comparta las grandes preguntas de la vida con el grupo. Es una oportunidad para escuchar a los demás y ofrecer el propio punto de vista. ¡Nos encantaría escuchar tu perspectiva!

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Arizona: Navajo/Hopi Reservation • August 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Arizona: Navajo/Hopi Reservation • August 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

We partner with the Tipi Raisers, an organization working to alleviate conditions of poverty, honor Indigenous wisdom, and reconcile our shared history with the Peoples of the First Nations. We will primarily work to improve and repair housing on the Hopi and Navajo reservations in Northern Arizona.
Cost: $1,200
Focus: Housing, Poverty, Peacemaking

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Arlington Food Assistance Center Saturday 9:30 AM Group VA: Arlington NoVA
Arlington Food Assistance Center
Leader: Natalia Guzman

On the 1st Saturday of the month, in partnership with Capital Life Church, we volunteer with Arlington Food Assistance Center by sorting and bagging food for the community in VA. We engage in community with other believers in our area and the AFAC Staff while fulfilling a tangible need.

This serving opportunity is family friendly.

VA: Arlington (NoVA)
9:30 AM
Childcare Available
Awaken: Freedom From Sexual Brokenness Tuesday 7:30 PM Group Online Central Office
Awaken: Freedom From Sexual Brokenness
Leader: NCC Care

Awaken is an intensive program for men seeking sexual integrity. Each module consists of 12 weeks of instruction, reflection, prayer, and small group work.

Awaken is offered by Regeneration Ministries and includes several options you can choose to engage in.

1) The Awaken Community

A free online community where men come together and support each other in pursuing freedom from sexual sin.

Uncover the hidden wounds, beliefs, and patterns keeping you stuck, and discover the good you didn't know was there.

Share prayer requests, resources, and learn from Regeneration Coaches.

2) The Awaken Course

Online course comprised of 48 Lessons broken into 4 modules including videos, readings, reflection questions and more for men seeking a path toward sexual integrity.

Go through on your own or with a group of men you know.

Draw closer to Jesus as your source of healing by pressing into four key areas of your life: Strength, Heart, Mind, & Spirit.

3) Awaken Groups

You weren't made for lust. You were made for love. Awaken helps you develop a vision for the man God created you to be.

Official groups that meet weekly and go through the Awaken course together led by Regeneration staff or vetted trained volunteers.

Experience a powerful place where accountability actually works, with a proven track record for helping men move toward sexual integrity in Jesus.

Awaken Groups begin on the 1st Tuesday of January, April, July and October. They meet from 7:30pm to 9:30pm on Tuesday evenings on Zoom. Groups are also offered in person in Towson, MD.

Costs for each component vary. Click here for further details or to register.

This program is offered by Regeneration Ministries, an NCC ministry partner. Regeneration equips men, women, and families to learn and live God's good, holy, and beautiful design for sexuality. They do this in partnership with the local church through helping people deepen their union with Jesus Christ, grow in relational wholeness, heal from brokenness, and walk in sexual integrity. To that end, they provide one-to-one spiritual coaching and healing prayer, programs and support groups, conferences and events, trainings, and online and written resources.

Online (Central Office)
7:30 PM
Bolivia: Cochabamba • Winter 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Bolivia: Cochabamba • Winter 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Longtime NCC partner Fundación Aventura exists to break and prevent cycles of abuse and abandonment through adventure therapy activities by promoting psychological healing, socio-emotional skills, and spiritual/community development in at-risk youth. This team centers around a 4-5 day backpacking excursion in the Andes mountains. Cost: $2,300
Focus: Child advocacy, Adventure therapy

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Broadway Bites Varies Varies Group DC: Northwest Capital Turnaround
Broadway Bites
Leader: Diana Fang

We are a group of individuals who love theater. We are seeing the following shows at the Kennedy Center and we have dinner together beforehand.
Cody Fry & Sleeping at Last (2/11 at 8pm) Riverdance:30th Anniversary (3/11 at 7:30pm) Eureka Day (3/13 at 8pm)
Open to other shows at other venues - Into The Heights and Bedwetter are on the wishlist. Come to the ones you're able to come to and make new friends!

DC: Northwest (Capital Turnaround)
Building Community Friday 7:30 PM Group VA: Other Capital Turnaround
Building Community
Leader: Maralee Gutierrez

Join a group of believers wanting to build community by growing in faith and service. This group will kick off with a study of Isaiah 58. Meet 2 to 3 times a month, with the third opportunity being a day to serve together and/or a special outing (as possible). Come ready to meet new people and grow deeper in your faith.

VA: Other (Capital Turnaround)
7:30 PM
Cancer Care Group for Women Monday 8:00 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Cancer Care Group for Women
Leader: Sucel Samonte

We are a group of women from different parts of the world who have been diagnosed with cancer at any time in our lives. We meet online every Monday from 8pm to 9pm EST (Washington DC time).

This is a space where our cancer challenges are openly shared, understood and prayed for. We aim to continue experiencing God's presence and His promise of a rich and satisfying life in the midst our challenges.

Our online gatherings typically start with sharing experiences of God's goodness for the week and health updates. Looking at Scriptures and discussing possible life applications, praying for empowerment to live in His ways, and building community all play a big part in our meetings.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
8:00 PM
Carpenter's Shelter Saturday 11:30 AM Group VA: Alexandria/ Old Town NoVA
Carpenter's Shelter
Leader: Natalia Guzman

One Saturday a month, usually the last Saturday, we come alongside our unhoused neighbors and volunteer at Carpenter's Shelter to:
- Serve/prepare a meal

- Engage with people experiencing homelessness, but currently in shelter, and

- Bless the staff with our help

To sign up, email Jenn Myers to

Come Join us! Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.

VA: Alexandria/ Old Town (NoVA)
11:30 AM
Celebrate Recovery Thursday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Central Office
Celebrate Recovery
Leader: Ryan Zempel

Find freedom from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits at Celebrate Recovery!

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program for those dealing with any sort of hurt, hang-up, or habit. This can include struggles with relationships, anger, food, sex, porn, drugs, alcohol, finances, gambling, self-injury, family dysfunction, the effects of past abuse, and more.

Celebrate Recovery meets year-round at the Capital Turnaround (700 M Street SE - please use the corner door at L & 8th Sts. SE) on Thursday nights at 6:30pm and you can join at any time. Dinner is available starting at 6pm.

Each night consists of worship and either a lesson or a testimony, followed by men's and women's open share groups, which follow the Five Small Group Guidelines to create a safe space. Confidentiality and anonymity are required.

Childcare is provided for infants through 5th grade. Please register your kids here.

Click here for more information.

Questions? Contact Ryan Zempel at

DC: Southeast (Central Office)
6:30 PM
Childcare Available
Celebrate Recovery Men's Online Step Study Monday 6:30 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Celebrate Recovery Men's Online Step Study
Leader: Tim Wisnewski

Find freedom from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups through working the 12 Steps in this Christ-centered recovery group!

The Celebrate Recovery men's step study is a deeper dive into the Celebrate Recovery material, meeting together on Zoom from 6:30pm to 8:30pm Monday nights for 10-12 months beginning February 17th. Each week, we will share answers to questions from one of the four participant guides as we work through the 12 Steps, applying the material to our lives and finding freedom in Christ.

Anonymity and confidentiality are requirements in the program and we ask all participants to adhere to the Five Small Group Guidelines.

All participants will need to purchase the 4 participant guides and the CR Study Bible.

The step study begins February 17th and will close to new participants after we complete the first participants guide.

Attendance at a Celebrate Recovery general meeting is also encouraged! NCC's Celebrate Recovery meets at 6:30pm Thursday nights at the Capital Turnaround.

This Christ-centered 12-step program is for those dealing with any sort of hurt, habit, or hang-up. This can include struggles with relationships, anger, food, sex, porn, drugs, alcohol, finances, gambling, self-injury, family dysfunction, the effects of past abuse, and more.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Celebrate Recovery Women's Step Study Tuesday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
Celebrate Recovery Women's Step Study
Leader: Stephanie Jones

Find freedom from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups through working the 12 Steps in this Christ-centered recovery group!

The Celebrate Recovery women's step study is a deeper dive into the Celebrate Recovery material, meeting together from 6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday nights at the Capital Turnaround for 10-12 months. Each week, we will share answers to questions from one of the four participant guides as we work through the 12 Steps, applying the material to our lives and finding freedom in Christ.

Anonymity and confidentiality are requirements in the program and we ask all participants to adhere to the Five Small Group Guidelines.

All participants will need to purchase the 4 Journey Begins participant guides and the CR Study Bible.

The step study is tentatively scheduled to begin March 4th and will close to new participants after we complete the first participants guide.

Attendance at a Celebrate Recovery general meeting is also encouraged! NCC's Celebrate Recovery meets at 6:30pm Thursday nights at the Capital Turnaround.

This Christ-centered 12-step program is for those dealing with any sort of hurt, habit, or hang-up. This can include struggles with relationships, anger, food, sex, porn, drugs, alcohol, finances, gambling, self-injury, family dysfunction, the effects of past abuse, and more.

There is also an online men's step study that will be meeting Monday nights beginning February 17th.

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Cyprus: Nicosia • Spring 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Cyprus: Nicosia • Spring 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

In partnership with the Sebastians and the iHeart team we'll learn how building understanding across different cultures can turn business into a force for good. We'll explore how our everyday purchases—like coffee—can empower communities or contribute to larger global injustices Cost: $3,500 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Anti-Trafficking, Business as Mission, Good for first-timers, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Daughters of God Saturday 12:00 PM Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Daughters of God
Leader: Alisa Mathis

We are a group of women coming together to build friendships and support in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We meet every other Saturday at 12 noon. We hope to build space where you can worship and build intimate relationship with Christ, to be able to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn of him.

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
12:00 PM
DC Chapter of Revoice Saturday Varies Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
DC Chapter of Revoice
Leader: NCC Care

The following group is offered by Revoice. Revoice's mission is to support and encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other same-sex attracted Christians—as well as those who love them—so that all in the Church might be empowered to live in gospel unity while observing the historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.

Since 2018, Revoice has been building life-changing community for sexual minorities through their annual conference. In partnership with local churches and sexual minorities across the country, they've now started regional chapters. Chapters are local community hubs for sexual minorities who follow Jesus. They meet once a month to foster connection, provide safety, and emphasize dignity. Revoice partners with local sexual minorities to facilitate groups, and with local ministers to provide pastoral care as needed.

The DC Chapter of Revoice meets monthly in southeast DC. Fill out this form to receive further details, including their participant agreement. Revoice's statement on Sexual Ethics & Christian Obedience is a helpful guide to understanding who they are and what they believe.

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
DC Couples Group Tuesday 7:00 PM Group DC: Northwest Capital Turnaround
DC Couples Group
Leader: Josue Otarola

We are a group of couples in their 30s and 40s. We meet mostly in NE but will occasionally meet in NW. We will be studying one or two books of the bible per semester.

DC: Northwest (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
DC Dream Center Volunteering Saturday 10:00 AM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
DC Dream Center Volunteering
Leader: Louise Harvey

We meet on the second Saturday of the month from 10am-12pm at the DC Dream Center (2826 Q St SE), for indoor and outdoor service projects, including Second Saturday Serve and one off events. We'd love to have you join us! (If you are a bigger group we ask that you let us know so we can plan accordingly). All ages and abilities are welcome and we look forward to serving with you!

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
10:00 AM
DC Flag Football Saturday 3:00 PM Group DC: Northwest Capital Turnaround
DC Flag Football
Leader: Julia G. G. Allen

We are all ages and ability levels, playing flag football for six weeks, March 8 thru April 12, on Saturdays at 10am. Kids are welcome to play alongside parents. We will be in the park in the 400 block of Madison Street NW.

DC: Northwest (Capital Turnaround)
3:00 PM
Disability Support Tuesday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
Disability Support
Leader: Faith Peterson

**Disability Support** warmly invites you to join us starting February 4. Our meetings will take place via Zoom twice a week, where we aim to foster a strong and supportive community for individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions. Each session will include meaningful prayer, a review of our group norms, introductions, mental and physical health check-ins, and engaging discussions that will conclude with prayer requests. We prioritize creating a welcoming and respectful environment for all participants. Subtitles will be provided on Zoom for our deaf and hard-of-hearing members to ensure everyone has full access.

This is a valuable opportunity for connection and mutual support. If you have any questions or suggestions, I would love to hear from you!

I look forward to seeing you there!

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Disciples of God Bible Study Group Saturday 11:00 AM Group Other Capital Turnaround
Disciples of God Bible Study Group
Leader: Kathryn Booker-Veloz

This group is dedicated to those interested in learning more about the word of God in order to accurately represent Christ throughout our Day to day lives. This group will encourage participants to become more biblically literate, while promoting greater intimacy with God.

Other (Capital Turnaround)
11:00 AM
Disordered Eating: Prayer Support Group for Family Tuesday 7:00 PM Group Online Central Office
Disordered Eating: Prayer Support Group for Family
Leader: NCC Care

Life can often lead us and our families into unexpected places and leaves us to wonder, "Where is God in all of this?" No one plans to have an eating disorder, but it happens and those who struggle need the support of their family and friends. Our virtual prayer support group for parents and loved ones will help you connect with others who are on similar journeys and engage your faith to find hope in the recovery journey.

Each meeting will be led by dedicated Rock Recovery volunteer and trained dietitian, Beth Ask. This group is designed to provide connection to other parents and family members who are going through similar struggles. In each group, you and your family will be encouraged to lean on God and provided with tools to heal through scripture reading, journaling, group discussion and reflection.

This is a free prayer support group, open to anyone who is providing care for a loved one through the eating disorder recovery journey. Click the button at the top of the page to RSVP each week.

Each group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 7:00 - 8:00 PM EST.

Ready to find connection and community support to help you navigate the journey of recovery with your loved one? Click here to learn more and RSVP.

Have questions about the group? Email Rock Recovery at

This group is being offered by Rock Recovery, an NCC ministry partner. Rock Recovery strives to reduce stigma and spread awareness around eating disorders and provides affordable and transformational resources to those struggling and their support networks. Since 2009, the organization has served more than 125 adults through affordable clinical outpatient recovery programs and educated 15,000 community members to seek help for themselves or their loved ones.

Online (Central Office)
7:00 PM
DivorceCare @ NCC Wednesday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
DivorceCare @ NCC
Leader: Amanuel Mengistu

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. At this 13-week, video-based support group program, you'll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making.

People at DivorceCare understand how you're feeling and what you're struggling with—because they're facing similar challenges. Everyone's story is different, and you'll be accepted right where you are, in a safe place.

NCC's DivorceCare program will meet from 6:30pm to 8:00pm Wednesday nights at the Capital Turnaround (700 M St SE) beginning Feb. 5th. Please use the office entrance at 8th and L Streets SE and text the leaders to be let in.

Register for the group and order your workbook ($20) here.

DivorceCare for Kids (ages 5-12) is being offered at the same time. Unfortunately, no childcare for other ages is available, but NCC will reimburse you up to $35/week if you need to obtain childcare to attend. Details here.

There are numerous DivorceCare programs meeting both online and in-person in the DC metro area (and elsewhere). Visit and enter your location to find programs near you.

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
DivorceCare for Kids Wednesday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
DivorceCare for Kids
Leader: LaraBeth VanPelt

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) is a 13-week program for children ages 5-12 whose parents are in a separation or divorce. It's filled with activities, games, music, and crafts that help kids process their feelings and communicate with their parents. The children learn that they are loved, they will be okay, and God's love will strengthen them.

DC4K meets from 6:30pm to 8:00pm on Wednesday nights at the Capital Turnaround beginning Feb. 5th.

Parents can attend our DivorceCare program that meets at the same time.

Unfortunately, childcare is not available for other ages, but NCC will reimburse you up to $35/week if you need to obtain childcare for younger children in order to attend. Details here.

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
DR Congo: Uvira • June/July 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
DR Congo: Uvira • June/July 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

We continue our longtime relationship with Congo for Christ, with whom we've been partnering for more than a dozen years, both sending and receiving teams. This year, we focus on providing professional development to the teachers at Mango Tree School while also supporting the children at Congo for Christ.
Cost: $3,700
Focus: Child Advocacy, Missional Imagination, Education, Co-development

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Dreamers & Doers: A Gathering For Entrepreneurs Thursday 9:00 AM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
Dreamers & Doers: A Gathering For Entrepreneurs
Leader: Diana Fang

We are a group of dreamers and doers who meet on Capitol Hill every other Thursday morning for prayer and action. We hope to move the needle for your business - spiritually and practically. If you're an entrepreneur who is looking for community and support - this is for you!

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
9:00 AM
Eastern Europe: Ukraine • October 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Eastern Europe: Ukraine • October 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, our partner, Family of Christ, is committed to creating empowering communities across the country by addressing critical needs adn fostering resilience. In this challenging environment, our NCC team, in collaboration with FOC, will focus on disaster relief and meeting deep spiritual and emotional needs in the wake of significant loss.
Cost: $3,800
Focus: Relief, Business as mission, peacemaking

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Ethiopia: Addis Ababa • Spring 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Ethiopia: Addis Ababa • Spring 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

In Ethiopia, over 5 million children are orphaned or abandoned. Our partner, Selamta, has given themselves to the vision that "Every child deserves the love of a family." Experience Selamta's innovative, family-based care model, committed to bringing children out of institutions and into loving families.
Cost: $3,300 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Child Advocacy, Poverty, Good for first timers, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Faith Fueled Entrepreneurs Friday 12:00 PM Group Online Online Campus
Faith Fueled Entrepreneurs
Leader: Alicia Vaz

We are a group of faith-fueled entrepreneurs dedicated to growing our relationship with God while integrating faith into every aspect of our professional journeys. We connect authentically, support one another in faith and business, and lean into God's Word for guidance and direction.

Meets are held every Friday at Noon ET via Zoom starting January 17th (but you can join anytime)

Online (Online Campus)
12:00 PM
Family Grace Varies Varies Group Online Capital Turnaround
Family Grace
Leader: NCC Care

Family Grace groups are for family members and spouses supporting a loved one through a mental or emotional health difficulty or disorder.

They are designed to integrate science and your faith in Christ to relieve your symptoms from mental and emotional health difficulties, renew your faith, and restore life and purpose for you and your relationships.

Family Grace is a 16-week Bible study packed with relevant Biblical stories, neuroscience, and practical tools designed to help you...

  • Gain unique Biblical and scientific understanding to remove confusion and renew your faith with hope!
  • Improve your relationship with new communication skills, healthy boundaries, and practical ways to handle all kinds of challenges.
  • Improve the quality of your own life through practical tools and increased understanding of you and your loved one's experience.

... and so much more!

Please note, while NCC is not currently able to offer Family Grace groups, other churches around the country are offering them online. Click here to see the options.

Interested in leading one of these groups? Check out Mental Health Grace Alliance's free online training and let Ryan Zempel, our Pastor of Recovery and Care, know!

The Family Grace curriculum was created by Mental Health Grace Alliance. If you yourself are experiencing a mental or emotional difficulty or disorder, check out Living Grace!

Online (Capital Turnaround)
Family Value and Goal Alignment: Financial & Legal Planning Monday 6:30 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
Family Value and Goal Alignment: Financial & Legal Planning
Leader: Lizzie Scheinost

Led by two NCCers, Elisabeth Erausquin-Nethery and Liz Scheinost, we will provide information and tools we can use to strengthen our marriage and align our goals for the future.
This is a two-week interactive session with a strategic planner, financial advisors and an estate planning attorney.
This workshop is designed specifically for NCC members, with the hope of giving attendees the information and tools they need to make informed decisions. But, we didn't want to stop there. We wanted to create a space where we can have a holistic conversation about how we think about legacy and stewardship in the context of our faith.
We will host the workshop on Feb 3rd and 10th. Childcare is available - sign up in advance.

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Childcare Available
Financial Peace University Sunday 3:00 PM Group VA: Arlington Capital Turnaround
Financial Peace University
Leader: Jose Feliz

We will host Financial Peace University on a weekly basis from our home in Northern VA.

VA: Arlington (Capital Turnaround)
3:00 PM
Financial Wellness Monday 6:00 PM Group VA: Fairfax NoVA
Financial Wellness
Leader: Yukubu "Kubey" Carriker

Our goal is to educate and assist those who 1) are struggling financially; 2) want to prepare/plan for retirement; and 3) want to understand investing and other aspects of finance. We will lead 5 sessions that will offer in-person and virtual classes with a financial planner. This group will meet bi-weekly.

VA: Fairfax (NoVA)
6:00 PM
Foundations of the Faith Tuesday 7:00 PM Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Foundations of the Faith
Leader: Jonathan Dorrough

This group is dedicated to studying classic texts of the Christian faith, focusing on thoughtful discussion and spiritual growth. We will meet bi-weekly to explore writings that have shaped Christianity, deepening our understanding of God and the principles of the faith. Together, we hope to create a space for meaningful learning and genuine fellowship.

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
Genesis Creation Tuesday 6:30 PM Group NoVA
Genesis Creation
Leader: Jonathan Kidney

Open discussion on Genesis' strange wording in view of science. Guided by T. Longman's Bible commentary (provided) and scripture references. Inquisitive minds welcomed.

We meet weekly for non-judgmental investigation on the pros & cons of various beliefs. Led by ex-engineer, physics teacher, lawyer. Weekly meeting, date/time may change as needed.

6:30 PM
Germany: Berlin • May 2025 Sunday 6:00 AM Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Germany: Berlin • May 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Germany: Berlin • May 2025
Known as the 'Atheist capital of Europe,' Berlin is a diverse melting pot of cultures. Our partners, Reach Global, have crafted this team to focus on urban ministry, providing a unique opportunity to witness how the church in Europe is reaching out to the unchurched in its post- Christian context.
Cost: $2,700 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Business as mission, Urban ministry

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:00 AM
GriefShare Varies Varies Group Capital Turnaround
Leader: NCC Care

Need Help Dealing with Grief?

GriefShare Grief & Loss Support Groups Are Here for You.

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you'll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what's normal in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you'll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way. A typical meeting includes a video, conversation (you don't have to talk if you don't want to) and a workbook for weekday followup exercises.

While NCC is not currently offering GriefShare, many other churches in the DC area (and elsewhere) are offering it online or in-person. Visit and enter your location to find meetings near you.

Guatemala • July 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Guatemala • July 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

In partnership with Champions in Action, we're hosting a five-day premier soccer camp with the goal of empowering at-risk youth through the hope of the gospel, mentorship and the beloved game of soccer. Whether you're an athlete or just eager to make a meaningful impact, there's a place for everyone to serve.
Cost: $2,000 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Child Advocacy, Poverty, Good for first timers, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Holy Spirit Group Tuesday 7:00 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Holy Spirit Group
Leader: Sandra Goetz

Anchor Scripture: "He said unto them, 'Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?' And they said unto him, 'We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.'" - Acts 19:2
This group is for those who want to:
Know the person of the Holy Spirit
Experience more intimacy with the Lord
Walk in the supernatural power of God
Grow their faith
We have weekly virtual meetings via Zoom on Tuesday evenings from 7-8 PM EST.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
IN HIS BREATH PRESENCE Monday 7:00 AM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Leader: Tina McIntosh

We actively breathe to connect and harness the POWER of God's 4 great breath gifts of LOVE for us.
Come join us and tap into your body's physiology His grand design.
We meet every Monday morning from 7 to 8 am.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 AM
India • August 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
India • August 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Over three billion people remain unreached, without access to the hope of the gospel. This unique NCC team will focus on intercession, prophetic imagination and prayer walking, listening for spirit-inspired action steps and vision, as this missionary family begins ministry in the spiritual hub of India.
Cost: $2,700
Focus: Prayer, Prophetic imagination, Vision, Business as mission

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Indonesia: Yogyakarta (Java) • September 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Indonesia: Yogyakarta (Java) • September 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

In Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, Chi Alpha is dedicated to reaching the unreached through the International English Center. This NCC team offers a unique opportunity to explore Java, while building lasting relationships and contributing to meaningful Kingdom work.
Cost: $2,200 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Young Adult Ministry

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Inklings - C.S. Lewis Book Group Tuesday 7:30 PM Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Inklings - C.S. Lewis Book Group
Leader: Natalee Allenbaugh

We are a group of all ages that read and discuss a different C.S. Lewis book every semester. We meet once a week, rotating who leads discussion on that week's chapter(s). Some group members are very familiar with C.S. Lewis, while others are just beginning. Everyone is welcome! Leaders are: Anna Walcutt and Natalee Allenbaugh

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
7:30 PM
Inservice - Outreach Sunday 11:00 AM Group Capital Turnaround
Inservice - Outreach
Leader: Natalia Guzman

InService meets every Sunday, and depending on the date we meet either at the Capital Turnaround (700 M ST SE) or Ebenezers Coffeehouse (201 F ST NE)

As of right now, we meet at the Capital Turnaround at 10:45 AM every Sunday except for the second Sunday of every month. On the second Sunday we meet at Ebenezers at 11:45 AM.

We hand out lunches around these neighborhoods and check on folks experiencing homelessness - the food creates a great opportunity to build relationships. It's a special group of volunteers and is one of the few groups of its kind that isn't semester based (it's been going on for over a decade).

Another way to contribute is our meal sign up at the following link:

11:00 AM
Ireland • Fall 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Ireland • Fall 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Telos is committed to the hard work of forming peacemakers and transforming conflict. Grounded in the biblical vision of mutual-flourishing, this NCC team will join Telos in immersive peacemaking education, moving towards a deeper understanding of complex conflict narratives and the ministry of reconciliation.
Cost: TBD
Focus: Peacemaking

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Jamaica: Ocho Rios • Spring 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Jamaica: Ocho Rios • Spring 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Join our esteemed partners at Teen Challenge Jamaica and be a part of their life-changing mission in Ocho Rios. Together, we can empower men and women to attain mental clarity, emotional strength, social harmony, physical well-being and spiritual fulfillment. During our time with TCJ, we will support their vision of becoming a self-sustaining ministry by participating in various physical labor projects.
Cost: $2,300
Focus: Emotional + mental wellness, Good for first-timers, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Jesus in the Secular World Monday 6:30 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Jesus in the Secular World
Leader: Cheryl Youngbar

This is an 8-week zoom study to help give you in-depth understanding of the secular mindset, inspire personal revival, and equip participants with practical next steps to engage the secular world with the powerful Gospel message relevantly. This will be a video study/group discussion based on Ben Pierce's study on Jesus in the Secular World

Online (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Life's Challenges: God's Miracles Tuesday 7:00 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Life's Challenges: God's Miracles
Leader: Jeff Weiler

We are a community of faith, sharing the challenges we encounter in life and the miracles God has granted through the power of prayer. We meet twice a month and strive to be a friendly place where it is safe to be yourself.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
Listening Prayer Monday 7:30 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Listening Prayer
Leader: Craig Bass

In this crazy, fast-paced world, it can be hard to hear God's voice in the midst of the noise. As Christians, it is universally understood that prayer is important, but how do we prioritize prayer in a way that draws us closer to God and sharpens our ears to His voice?

The listening prayer group will explore these questions and more. We will focus on the spiritual discipline of communicating with God through prayer with an emphasis on deepening our individual relationships with God.
The gift of hearing God's voice is not reserved for the clergy or the "super spiritual", but is available to all of God's children (My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27). Our gatherings will provide a safe space for all (from beginners to seasoned saints) to develop their prayer life through a structured curriculum, group conversations, and weekly goals. We invite you to join us!

Online (Capital Turnaround)
7:30 PM
Living Grace Varies Varies Group Online Central Office
Living Grace
Leader: NCC Care

Living Grace groups are for adults experiencing a mental or emotional health difficulty or disorder. They are designed to integrate science and your faith in Christ to relieve your symptoms from mental and emotional health difficulties, renew your faith, and restore life and purpose for you and your relationships.

Living Grace is a 16-week Bible study packed with relevant Biblical stories, neuroscience, and practical tools designed to help you...

  • Manage stressors, tension, and difficult moods
  • Increase calm through rest, relaxation, and joy,
  • Decrease negative thoughts and reframe to confidence,
  • Empower you to create safe and healthy relationships,

... and so much more!

Please note, while NCC is not offering Living Grace this semester, other churches around the country are offering it online. Click here to see the options. Check out the first chapter of the Living Grace workbook here.

Interested in helping lead Living Grace next semester? Check out Mental Health Grace Alliance's free online training and let Ryan Zempel, our Pastor of Recovery and Care, know!

The Living Grace curriculum was created by Mental Health Grace Alliance. If you are a family member/spouse supporting a loved one through a mental or emotional difficulty or disorder, check out Family Grace!

Online (Central Office)
Love Justice Sunday 10:30 AM Group Other Capital Turnaround
Love Justice
Leader: Carmelle Norice

Serve neighbors impacted by incarceration this semester with Love Justice - NCC's prison and reentry ministry. We circle needs in prayer, journey with neighbors in prison and support their reentry. We gratefully partner with Prison Fellowship® to support Angel Tree programs, Second Chance Month and Justice Reform initiatives.

Other (Capital Turnaround)
10:30 AM
Married Couples Over 50 Thursday 7:00 PM Group Online NoVA
Married Couples Over 50
Leader: Brent Penny

Are you and your spouse Empty Nesters? In the Golden Years of your marriage? Trying to navigate life over 50? Grandparents? As we age, we are faced with new and different challenges. This group is for married couples over 50 who want to journey together to make the best of this season of life. We will discuss topics such as: Aging, relationships, physical changes, praying for adult children, health issues, intimacy, legacy and any other topics we wish to explore. We want to connect with other couples to create new friends, and discuss real issues using the Bible and Christian materials.

We will meet online every other Thursday at 7pm.

Online (NoVA)
7:00 PM
Mexico / Arizona Border • September 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Mexico / Arizona Border • September 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Our partner Frontera de Cristo is committed to building understanding across borders and works to provide creative solutions to the root causes of migration. In partnership with FDC, our NCC team will be immersed in ministry in a part of the world where walls clearly divide. FDC has galvanized community partners and the church in a unified effort to holistically care for those suffering on the border.
Cost: $2,300 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Peacemaking, Business as mission, Good for first-timers, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Military Families Sunday 3:00 PM Group VA: Alexandria/ Springfield NoVA
Military Families
Leader: Christopher Dorough

Military Families discussing sermon notes on Sunday afternoons. Childcare provided in-house by our oldest daughter.

VA: Alexandria/ Springfield (NoVA)
3:00 PM
Mississippi: Jackson • Summer 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Mississippi: Jackson • Summer 2025
Leader: Nick Montgomery

NCC Youth will partner with We Will Go in their enduring commitment to the city and people of Jackson, MS. In a place facing unique socioeconomic and cultural challenges, We Will Go embodies the spirit of good neighbors and what it truly means to live "on mission every day," meeting both practical and spiritual needs with compassion.
Cost: $700
Focus: Youth-encouraged, Child advocacy, Poverty

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Mom Connections Monday 10:00 AM Group VA: Fairfax NoVA
Mom Connections
Leader: Ruth Barron

We are a group of moms that want to do life together! Motherhood is challenging and to have support and a space to laugh, pray or cry is so important.

We meet twice a month during the week.

VA: Fairfax (NoVA)
10:00 AM
Moms of McLean/East Falls Church/West Arlington Sunday 4:00 PM Group VA: Arlington Capital Turnaround
Moms of McLean/East Falls Church/West Arlington
Leader: Kathryn Douglas

We are a group of moms in the McLean/East Falls Church/West Arlington area. We will meet biweekly on Sundays from 4-530pm. We hope to create a space to connect with other moms, grow in our faith support and learn from one another as we disciple our kids.

VA: Arlington (Capital Turnaround)
4:00 PM
NCC game night: Laurel Saturday 5:00 PM Group MD: Howard County Capital Turnaround
NCC game night: Laurel
Leader: Rikki Jackson

We are a group that engages in food and fellowship over games and community.

MD: Howard County (Capital Turnaround)
5:00 PM
NCC NoVA Men's Community: North Monday 7:00 PM Group NoVA
NCC NoVA Men's Community: North
Leader: Brian Clayville

This community exists to bring men into deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ and with each other through engagement with God's Word, no-holds-barred discussions, lifting each other up in prayer, serving together, and having a lot of fun. Our unique culture encourages men to show us as they are; without the need to fit an idealistic Christian mold before being accepted.

The Men's Community is organized into small groups that meet on a weekly basis in various locations in the DMV. The groups also join together each month at the Capital Turnaround or an outdoor location for short talks and discussion followed by social time. We have quarterly retreats at the Grizzle farm in Lexington, VA, where men get to connect on a deeper level, go hiking, do farm work, and build insanely large bonfires.

7:00 PM
NCC Saturday Hikers Saturday 9:00 AM Group Other Capital Turnaround
NCC Saturday Hikers
Leader: Monica Thomas

We hike together on Saturdays, about once a month with varying start times. Locations include local spots and as far away as Shenandoah National Park or Harper's Ferry for half day trips. We hope to create a space where everyone can experience God in nature, make new friends & eat good food. Sometimes we do a picnic after the hike and sometimes we check out a local hiker appropriate restaurant after. Novice to seasoned hikers welcome, every adventure is a little different and we do our best to communicate all the details so you can join up with ease.

Other (Capital Turnaround)
9:00 AM
NCC Singles 30's/40's Saturday 6:00 PM Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
NCC Singles 30's/40's
Leader: Krystle Sanders

This co-ed group is for singles in their 30s and 40s throughout the DMV area. We have seen a need to cater to this age group; our goal is to create a space where folks can meet new people and build friendships as they journey through life, in addition to creating a safe space for all of us. We'll meet at least once a month; Dates & times TBD

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
6:00 PM
NCC Working Moms' Group Monday 7:00 PM Group Other Capital Turnaround
NCC Working Moms' Group
Leader: Jennifer Kim

This gathering is to make friends, hang out, and have a safe space with fellow working moms and sisters in Christ. We aim to shine God's light on loneliness, bitterness, and burnouts that many of the working moms experience. We'll meet every other Monday evenings at Captial Turnaround and child care will be provided, if needed.

Other (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
Childcare Available
NE Park Playdates Saturday 10:00 AM Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
NE Park Playdates
Leader: Alyssa Echols

This is a family-friendly small group centered around Saturday park playdate meet-ups for young kids. Our goal is to help foster additional connection points for our young kids outside of NCC Kids and have an opportunity to build relationships with other NCC parents and families.
We will meet two Saturdays a month at the playground at the Fields at RFK.

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
10:00 AM
NoVA YoPro's Wednesday 6:30 PM Group VA: Arlington Capital Turnaround
NoVA YoPro's
Leader: Susannah Outhier

We are a group of primarily 20's/30's meeting weekly on Wednesdays at around 6:30pm in the Ballston/NoVA area. We like to gather, build community and learn more about Jesus in a super casual setting. When we do Bible study, we read a chapter and then open up for discussion (which often includes laughter, questioning, and deep dives). We like for this group to be a safe place for people to bring their questions and their struggles.

VA: Arlington (Capital Turnaround)
6:30 PM
Philippines: International Justice Mission • Fall 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Philippines: International Justice Mission • Fall 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Today, millions of people live unprotected from modern slavery and abuse. International Justice Mission is dedicated to ending slavery in our lifetime. Join IJM in the Philippines to learn about their robust work in opposition to human trafficking and their collective fight against the brutal grip of exploitation and violence affecting the global poor..
Cost: TBD
Focus: Anti-trafficking, Poverty

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Plant Love Varies 7:00 PM Group VA: Other NoVA
Plant Love
Leader: Linda Murray

Plant Love is a new group opportunity to commune with fellow plant lovers, to dream, plan, and get your hands dirty cultivating plants and faith-focused friendships.
We will begin our meetings bi-weekly at my home in Falls Church. Days and time TBD.
Plant-loving, mature children are welcome, especially during our hands-on days!

VA: Other (NoVA)
7:00 PM
Practicing the Way (Alpha 2.0) Monday 7:00 PM Group Online Online Campus
Practicing the Way (Alpha 2.0)
Leader: Kode Nascimento

Practicing the Way is a next step to Alpha. Through teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises, the course will provide an overview of the disciplines critical to building a relationship with Jesus, while creating a safe space for open and honest discussion, connection and exploration of what it means to be a Christian in today's modern society. No question is off limits! Open to individuals at all stages of their spiritual journey.

We will meet on zoom starting in mid February. Reach out to the leader for more info.

Online (Online Campus)
7:00 PM
Praying Over Our Families (in person & virtual) Thursday 9:30 AM Group VA: Other NoVA
Praying Over Our Families (in person & virtual)
Leader: Hannah Woodley

Would you love to be more intentional about praying for your family? We invite you to join us.

We are a group of moms of all ages, who are learning to lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Him. We share our lives, our hearts, our testimonies and prayer requests.

It is so fun supporting each other, lending our faith, and bringing our needs to the feet of Jesus. Our heavenly Father is so faithful and kind; and sharing in all the wins is just the best!

We meet every Thursday at 9:30am EST virtually, and will hold quarterly in-person fellowship gatherings.
Come as you are. Come when you are able.

VA: Other (NoVA)
9:30 AM
Praying with Power Tuesday 7:00 PM Group Online NoVA
Praying with Power
Leader: JoEllen Delamatta

Praying with Power is an online group that meets weekly on Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 pm. This semester, we will read and discuss Familiar Stranger by Tyler Stanton on Holy Spirit.
Please feel free to join us whenever you are free!

Co-leaders: JoEllen Delamatta & Ted Greenfield

Online (NoVA)
7:00 PM
Prepare: Engaged Couples Wednesday 7:00 PM Group DC: Southeast Capital Turnaround
Prepare: Engaged Couples
Leader: Paul Irwin

This premarital class is for engaged couples or those seriously considering the covenant of marriage.

We meet for 8 weeks on Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9pm starting February 12th.

Each couple pays for the Prepare Couple report (one-time, online scoring fee of $35) used to grow a healthy relationship.

DC: Southeast (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
Refugee Care Family Friends Varies Varies Group Online Capital Turnaround
Refugee Care Family Friends
Leader: Natalia Barnhart

Join our Family Friends team within Refugee Care and be matched to a refugee family who has resettled in the DMV. Through a small group of 5-6 people you will walk alongside a family providing care and support. For each family this looks very different and can be everything from helping with English and job applications to doing social outings together and sharing meals. The Family Friend Team meets with the family on average every week for a few hours and a year commitment. Let us know if you are interested in learning more.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
Relationships & Love Language Monday 12:00 PM Group Online Online Campus
Relationships & Love Language
Leader: KZ Koboski

We are an online group that meets weekly Mondays at 12 Noon ET for 1 hour. We'll be focusing on the February sermon series and "The 5 Love Languages" book by Gary Chapman.

Online (Online Campus)
12:00 PM
Relationships and Soul Mates Monday 8:00 PM Group Online NoVA
Relationships and Soul Mates
Leader: Michelle Oliver

We are a group of married couples and couples to be meeting online on Mondays at 8pm (with occasional in-person meetups). We hope to create moments to explore 8 practical skills to build mature, loving, emotionally healthy relationships. This group is for couples, those wanting to be married, and everyone in between.

Co-leaders: Louis & Michelle Oliver

Online (NoVA)
8:00 PM
Rwanda: Kigali • Spring 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
Rwanda: Kigali • Spring 2025
Leader: Natalia Guzman

Faith deepens as you encounter Rwanda's inspirational story of hope and forgiveness. Walking alongside Africa New Life's Christ-centered and Rwandan-led ministry gives witness to the life- changing impact of education, discipleship, and community development. Conviction for peace and reconciliation expands through your engagement in cultural learning and connection with the people of Rwanda.
Cost: $3,800 (Virtual opportunity available at no cost.)
Focus: Peacemaking, Community Development, Good for first timers, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)
Spiritual Intelligence : Applications & Activations Wednesday 8:00 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
Spiritual Intelligence : Applications & Activations
Leader: Sharon Schlatter

We're going to grow in our intimacy with God as we adventure through Kris Vallotton's book Spiritual Intelligence.

Online (Capital Turnaround)
8:00 PM
Steaks and Stogies Springfield Monday 7:00 PM Group VA: Alexandria/ Springfield NoVA
Steaks and Stogies Springfield
Leader: Yukubu "Kubey" Carriker

Part of the NCC NoVA Men's Community, this group exists to bring men into deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ and with each other through engagement with God's Word, no-holds-barred discussions, lifting each other up in prayer, serving together, and having a lot of fun. Our unique culture encourages men to show us as they are; without the need to fit an idealistic Christian mold before being accepted.

The Men's Community is organized into small groups that meet on a weekly basis in various locations in the DMV. The groups also join together each month at the Capital Turnaround or an outdoor location for short talks and discussion followed by social time. We have quarterly retreats at the Grizzle farm in Lexington, VA, where men get to connect on a deeper level, go hiking, do farm work, and build insanely large bonfires.

Leaders: Kubey Carriker and Wycliffe Thomas

VA: Alexandria/ Springfield (NoVA)
7:00 PM
Takoma Lunch & Prayer Saturday 11:30 AM Group DC: Northwest Capital Turnaround
Takoma Lunch & Prayer
Leader: Julia G. G. Allen

We are a group of all ages and backgrounds. We will gather March 8 thru April 12 for six weeks on Saturday at the outdoor eatery at the intersection of Eastern Ave NW DC and Laurel Ave, Takoma Park. We will eat lunch together and pray over the Takoma Park community together. Grab something to eat (there are several places along Laurel Ave or bring something) and meet us in the outdoor seating at 6901 Laurel Ave. 1130am-12:30pm.

DC: Northwest (Capital Turnaround)
11:30 AM
The Bible Study - Old Testament Wednesday 7:00 PM Group MD: Howard County Capital Turnaround
The Bible Study - Old Testament
Leader: Rikki Jackson

We are a group that desires to go deeper in our walk with the Lord by gaining knowledge from His Word.

MD: Howard County (Capital Turnaround)
7:00 PM
The Chosen Monday 7:30 PM Group Online NoVA
The Chosen
Leader: Jesse Bonifant

Welcome all "The Chosen" super fans, skeptics, and anywhere in between!


We will be using the popular crowdfunded series about the life of Jesus as a springboard for discussion and community-building. Whether you've never watched it or you've binged it multiple times, you are welcome. We will meet biweekly by Zoom (unless a centrally located participant is willing to host).


Online (NoVA)
7:30 PM
The Good Marriage - Couples Coaching Tuesday 8:30 PM Group Online Capital Turnaround
The Good Marriage - Couples Coaching
Leader: Jason Yost

This group is for brand new and well seasoned couples alike!
We'll meet online via Zoom on Tuesday nights at 8:30pm
Imagine the difference it makes when you and your partner each understand what drives your thoughts, reactions, and actions. Self-awareness gives you the tools to respond with empathy, communicate clearly, and create a deeper sense of unity. *Includes an online marriage assessment
Start Sept 23rd!! In person!

Online (Capital Turnaround)
8:30 PM
The Living Room Wednesday 6:00 PM Group Capital Turnaround
The Living Room
Leader: Natalia Guzman

The Living Room is a small group that brings people together from all walks of life to fellowship and study the scriptures over a meal. Through the breaking of bread, we have the opportunity to follow the model of Jesus by building relationships with people who are often forgotten or overlooked. While all are welcome, many individuals in this small group have found themselves living on the streets, in a local shelter, or as part of the working poor.

The meeting location for this group is wheelchair accessible.

6:00 PM
Thrive Varies Varies Group Online Central Office
Leader: NCC Care

Thrive groups are designed to help you master the science and faith experience to see whole-health results — physically, mentally, spiritually, and relationally.

Utilizing the Thrive workbook, you'll discover God's heart and design for your whole-health life purpose and meaning. Thrive reduces stress through tools designed to reduce your ongoing mental and emotional stressors. Thrive builds resilience as you're empowered to manage the stressors causing anxiety, depression, etc. Thrive renews you. While anxiety, depression, etc. naturally make us question who we are, Thrive helps renew your identity, relationships, faith, and purpose. Thrive works wonderfully alongside professional therapy, not replacing it.

Please note, while NCC is not currently able to offer Thrive groups, other churches around the country are offering them online. Click here to see the options.

Interested in leading one of these groups? Check out Mental Health Grace Alliance's free online training and let Ryan Zempel, our Pastor of Recovery and Care, know!

The Thrive curriculum was created by Mental Health Grace Alliance.

Online (Central Office)
USA: Convoy of Hope • Summer 2025 Varies Varies Group DC: Northeast Capital Turnaround
USA: Convoy of Hope • Summer 2025
Leader: Nick Montgomery

Our longtime partner Convoy of Hope is committed to "bringing hope to every area of need." This domestic NCC team, in collaboration with Convoy of Hope, will focus on acute community needs driven towards hope-building, sustainability, and caring for the vulnerable. Location TBD. Cost: $800
Focus: Good for first-timers, Family friendly, Youth-encouraged

DC: Northeast (Capital Turnaround)